Our Panelists

Our panelists

Become a dolph stats panelist

Share strong moments with people who have the same desires as you. Being a Panelist also means participating in the design and improvement of products and services and in addition you win gifts !

How does it work ?

What is being a Dolph-Stats Consulting panelist? By joining the DOLPH-STATS CONSULTING panelist network, you integrate a sample of people selected according to a set of criteria specific to the studies that DOLPH-STATS CONSULTING will be called upon to carry out. You will be asked to express yourself on a subject or problematic of statistical study.

What you win ?

By joining our panel network, you will be able to earn points to unlock in our gift shop more prestigious presents than the others. You will receive points for your participation, plus additional points on various occasions. During the whole duration of your participation the points are never reset.

Your Gift Shop

Accumulate these points and choose your gifts in our Gift Shop dedicated only to panelists from Dolph-Stats Consulting.